A Survey of Thousands of Sexually Frustrated Men Reveals
Why Hot Rod For Men Is So Powerful!
Buy 2 bottles get 2 free! Enhanced formula! 79.95

Imagine this…
You’re laying on the couch watching your favorite TV program. You casually pop 1 Hot Rod pill and ‘chase’ it down with some lukewarm water.
Your eyes continue to be glued to the screen.
10 minutes later, something strange happens…
You feel a HUGE bulge starting to form in your crotch area. It’s almost as if you can start to feel a raging ‘hyper-speed’ rush of blood engorging your penis, making it swell with excitement.
Yeah, it’s fast, and it’s furious.
You are totally amazed…your dick hasn’t felt this ‘alive’ since puberty, and within seconds, you realize you have a solid, rock hard boner.
You can totally ‘feel it’ in your veins. There’s a ‘fire’ going on.
You’re on the brink of a MAJOR explosion and nothing can contain it anymore! All you need right now to complete this magical experience is a woman.
No prescription needed. Works Fasts and Lasts Long.
By Alex Rocklane, CEO, Fantastic Hot Rod, LLC

With your permission (and with strict precautions for privacy), I’m gonna reveal the most important and exciting breakthroughs in male sexual health.
News of this breakthrough is spreading like wildfire among men in every age group.
In fact, this breakthrough is so radical, it has astonished the doctors and sex experts who discovered it!
In fact, if the sex pill you’re currently using is ineffective or becomes ineffective after several usages, it’s because it does not contain this…
The Little Known Secret “Herb Of Kings”
Ever heard of this Chinese Medicinal Classic called “Ben Cao Gang Mu” written by the famed ‘granddaddy of Traditional Chinese Medicine”, Li Shi Zhen?
Well, in it, Uncle Li reveals what he considers to be the herb of the highest order used by only Emperors and Noblemen as clearly stated in Imperial Records.
Guess what it is?
It’ll blow your mind…it’s… an ANT!
Apparently ants are a superior tonic with such excellent curative powers that it’s various beneficial effects include: increased strength, energy, stamina; strengthens the nervous system, digestive functions, detoxification functions and muscular system; boosts mental and physical energy.
Of course, not every ant qualify. The specific ant mentioned is the Polyrachis Vicinia.
To quote Uncle Li…
“Ginseng may be the King of Herbs, but ANT is the Herb of Kings!”
I know… sounds like a whole load of B.S.
Don’t be too quick to dismiss it just because you only believe in Western Science though.
You don’t need me to tell you this, but the Chinese have identified stuff like “Meridian points” and you know acupuncture has only been proven to be ‘real’ recently. (Though the Chinese have been doing it for thousands of years).
The point is, the Chinese are far more ‘advanced’ than you think. And as far as I’m concerned, Western science sometimes makes a mockery of itself in validating what the Chinese have already known for YEARS.
Need An Extra ‘Lift’ From
The Strongest Living Creature On Earth?
- Fact #1: Ants can lift up to 400 times their own weight and pull up to 1700 times their own weight, making them the world champions in terms of strength.
- Fact #2: Ant contains 8-13 times the protein of milk, chicken, duck, beef, mutton and fish.
- Fact #3: Ants are extremely rich in nutrients, including significant amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B12, D and E.
- Fact #4: Ant contains more than 42% protein and provides 8 essential amino acids. It contains enzymes and other active substances. The ATP in ants can provide energy directly to the human body.
- Fact #5: Ant can increase the amount of DNA and RNA inside of human cells. This is believed to slow down aging and to aid in the regeneration, and even rejuvenation of tissue.
- Fact #6: Ants are rich in more than 20 trace elements such as magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, selenium, and especially zinc.
Of course, even with all those facts, you might still be skeptical (which is perfectly normal and healthy).
Try An “Ant Fortified” Hot Rod Capsule
And Experience For Yourself,
What You’ve Been Missing!
Free Report on 4 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Choosing A SEXUAL ENHANCER
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Turbocharged Male Sexual Performance Within Minutes!
Sounds too good to be true?
Maybe. I wouldn’t argue with that.
But what I do know is…
Virility, Stamina, And A Lava-hot Love Life Is Right Within Your Grasp!
Can Hot Rod really change the way you think, perform and feel about sex?
It’s hard not to be skeptical when you discover the potential benefits of Hot Rod:
You Have The Amazing Opportunity To Enjoy
What Other Men Can Only Dream About!
Isn’t it crystal clear why Hot Rod is causing a sensation among men
(of all ages) everywhere? Of course, you’re probably dying to know…
What ELSE Goes Into Nature’s
Mysterious Pleasure Generator?
For hundreds of years, men around the world have relied on natural herbal remedies to help
them maintain their vigor and virility.
The 100% natural herbal blend for Hot Rod was formulated with 3 core objectives in mind
Objective #1: To help increase “Chi” or life force energy.
Objective #2: To channel maximum blood flow to the penis.
Objective #3: To skyrocket your libido
All 3 objectives had to be achieved concurrently.
Obviously you already know about the ‘mighty’ ant and it’s incredible aphrodisiac properties.
But what you may not know is that the ‘ant tonics’ used by the ancient Chinese imperial emperors, were used to increase their Yang Jing, or ‘Chi’.
You see, the Chinese believe that ejaculation of the male seed for purposes other than having children is a wasteful loss of an extremely precious treasure.
The energy loss over long periods of time weakens the physical health of the male.
You may or may not buy this ‘theory’, but it may make sense to you when you realize that if ALL of your sperm that you ejaculated was fertilized, then you could have produced the equivalent of a COUNTRY’S population.
Think about how much ‘energy’ is needed to engineer such a phenomenon.
Which is why we added Deer Velvet as a 2nd ingredient to double the ‘chi’ tonifying effects of the Polyrachis ant, so that you can have as much sex as you want without feeling ‘zapped’.

Hot Rod Ingredient #2: Deer Antler Velvet
All species of deer (even moose) will have antlers sprouting, maturing and hardening within 4 to 5 months every year.
And these impressive male structures owe their very existence to a very special bioactive substance called velvet, a fuzzy external membrane that channels blood and nutrients to the growing antler, Deer Velvet also protects the fragile, pre-hardened antler from harm.
What's this have to do with sex?
A whole lot apparently...
As antlers are how deer maintain their ‘pecking order’, this velvet is chock full of hormones that stimulate both growth and testosterone production.
Dr. Peter Yoon of Seoul, South Korea, use velvet deer antler to treat impotence in men.
It has been noted that deer velvet appears to strengthen the body as it is balancing the hormones needed for peak sexual function. Deer velvet has been believed to strengthen the ‘Chi’ or life force energy.
The velvet from the deer antlers is harvested at peak mating season, when the testosterone levels in the blood that circulates throughout the cartilage of the antler are at its highest.
Lots of documented research on the benefits of deer velvet antler has also been done in China, Russia, Korea and Japan.
From these reports, here are some excerpts which relate directly to its sexual benefits:
Recover sexual functioning and experience a return of potency and libido. Strong kidney function, strengthen the heart, increase blood circulation, strengthen the mind and the central nervous system and to have a positive mood. Directly controlling the reproductive hormone production of the gonads.

Hot Rod Ingredient #3: Eurycoma Longifolia
Eurycoma Longifolia (or more popularly known as Tongkat Ali or Pasak Bumi in Southeast Asia) is a scientifically-proven herbal aphrodisiac and testosterone booster that is enjoying growing popularity in the Western world. If you're reading a letter like this, it's close to impossible that you don't know about the powerful effects of Tongkat Ali.

Hot Rod Ingredient #4: Butea Superba
Butea superba is Thailand's endemic species known amongst local people as Red Kwao Krua and was used as traditional medicine for tonic and rejuvenation for a long time in Thailand. Thi plant can be found growing in forests in the Northern regions, in the Eastern regions and along Kanchanaburi Province.The crude extract of this herb showed the same vsodilation effect as the blue pill. Its chemicals also promote energetic body without any nervous or muscular or cardiac over stimulation.
Clinical trial of Butea superba, an alternative herbal treatment for erectile dysfunction.
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Phyathai Road, Bangkok 10330, Thailand.
AIM: To study the effect of Butea superba on erectile dysfunction (ED) in Thai males.
METHODS: A 3-month randomized double-blind clinical trial was carried out in volunteers with ED, aged 30 years approximately 70 years, to evaluate the therapeutic effect of the crude preparation of Butea superba tubers on ED.
RESULTS: There was a significant upgrading in 4 of the 5 descriptive evaluations of the IIEF-5 questionnaire. Estimation of the sexual record indicated that 82.4% of the patients exhibited noticeable improvement. Haematology and blood chemistry analysis revealed no apparent change.
CONCLUSION: The plant preparation appears to improve the erectile function in ED patients without apparent toxicity.

Hot Rod Ingredient #5: Diascoria Bulbifera
Diascoria Bulbifera or 'Virahi Kand', a plant species found in the Himalayas, not only resembles human testicles but also contains hormonal contents similar to testosterone.
If this is not enough, the medicinal formulation made from the herb was described as 'Shukral' and 'Vajikaran' a property which improves the quality of human semen in Ayurvedic books.
"The resemblance of the fruit to a part of the human organ is nothing short of the eighth wonder of the world!"
Dr Raj Kumar Sharma, Principal of Dayanand Ayurvedic College, the oldest Ayurvedic college in north India

Hot Rod Ingredient #6: Tribulus Terrestris
Diascoria Bulbifera or 'Virahi Kand', a plant species found in the Himalayas, not only resembles human testicles but also contains hormonal contents similar to testosterone.
If this is not enough, the medicinal formulation made from the herb was described as 'Shukral' and 'Vajikaran' a property which improves the quality of human semen in Ayurvedic books.
Adult rats were divided into groups of 8 each that included distilled water treated (normal and castrated), testosterone treated (normal and castrated) and Tribulus treated (castrated).
Compared to the castrated control, treatment of castrated rats (with either testosterone or Tribulus extract) showed increase in prostate weight and ICP. There was also a mild to moderate improvement in sexual behavior as evidenced by an increase in mounting frequency.
Tribulus Terrestris works by relaxing smooth muscles and increasing blood flow into the corpus cavernosa. The relaxant effect observed is probably due to the increase in the release of nitric oxide from the endothelium and nerve endings, which helps to increase testosterone production and enhance erection.

Hot Rod Ingredient #7: Smilax Myosotiflora
Smilax myosotiflora or 'Ubi Jaga' (UJ) is a native herb traditionally used by indigenous folk for its aphrodisiac effects.
Ubi Jaga is a creeper plant that grown wild in the tropical forest in South East Asia. It improves blood circulation. It is traditionally used as one of herbal medicine to strengthen male energy, as a general tonic, and to increase body metabolism.
As you’re reading this, I think you do realize that Hot Rod really does contain an incredible blend that helps intensify sexual desire, increase sensitivity, strengthen erections, and enable men of all ages to enjoy more frequent, and longer lasting sex.
Plus, there are also the effects of mood stabilization, promotion of healthy blood pressure levels, and energy level support; all of which contribute in a major way to great performance between the sheets
So, unless you’ve been living in some cave, you’d know that the efficacy of these ancient remedies have been so impressive they’ve now gotten the attention of mainstream medical science.
What Men In Other Countries Already Know
The reason why Hot Rod works so well is that conventional erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs treat impotency by merely redirecting blood flow.
Hot Rod, on the other hand, goes one step further by rectifying the problem at its core level – your libido. Hence, this is tantamount to killing two birds with one stone.
Re-ignite The White Hot Passion!
This is crucial as scientific research reveals that many erectile problems of men have erectile problems are not necessarily due to blood flow issues, but rather an inherent lack of desire.
And I guess we ‘nailed’ it on the head when Hot Rod was…
The Obvious Winner…
Between Jan to July 2006, we placed online ads offering free samples to users of other brands of herbal enhancers. A total of 10,000 capsules were give away.
Users of leading brands, including Enzyte, Libidus, Orexis, Vicerex, Vipra, Herbal V and Vigrx, were part of this online survey to determine the brand that delivered most in terms of:
1) Speed of reaction
2) Duration of effectiveness.
And as predicted, Hot Rod came out tops in both categories.

Why Fantastic Hot Rod…
We charted the survey results and if you look at it, you’ll be surprised…

Plus, I’ll let you in on an insider secret.
FACT: We have a list on our hands of many herbal sexual enhancers that have been banned by the ministry of health of several countries due to the presence of presence of controlled chemicals and harmful steroids.
And YET, these very same brands are being sold freely over the internet… to unsuspecting customers who think that they are buying a 100% herbal-based product!”
How can this be!”, you protest…
I’m Ready To Spit Fire!
Well, like it or not, the laws governing herbal products in many countries, including the US, are still lax.
For instance, the US FDA does NOT require a manufacturer to send it’s product for thorough testing before it can be sold openly to the public.
Instead, they leave it entirely to the manufacturer to ensure that the product is safe for public consumption!
Dangerous? You bet!
So why jeopardize your health – and possibly even your life – with untested products when you can have 100% confidence in the fact that Fantastic Hot Rod can produce the results you desire, with complete safety?
Fantastic Hot Rod is manufactured in a GMP factory and has gone through rigorous testing at two independent labs to ensure that it is safe for consumption.
Test results confirm that Fantastic Hot Rod does not contain Yohimbe, Sildenafil, Tadalafil, Vardenafil and Yohimbe.

Which is why…
Fantastic Hot Rod Comes Without Any Of The Nasty Side Effects
‘Other’ Performance Enhancers Bring To The Table!
Statistically, as many as 90% of our customers said that they did not experience any unpleasant side effects – like headache, extreme palpitation, sweating and dizziness – that are so commonly associated with other sexual enhancers.The remaining 10% did feel some minor facial flushing and warmness in the body, all of which are tolerable reactions.
These are caused by the blood-circulation enhancing herbs in Fantastic Hot Rod, and do not remotely pose as any form of threat to your well-being in any way.
You’ll be assured to know, Fantastic Hot Rod…
Does NOT Contain Yohimbe!
Unlike 95% of the sexual enhancers in the market, Fantastic Hot Rod does not contain Yohimbe, a proven herbal aphrodisiac that works well but… can cause very unpleasant side effects like palpitation, vomiting, insomnia, body aches and aggressive behavior.
While Yohimbe is not illegal in the US, it is banned in many countries throughout the world. That in itself speaks volume about the safety of the herb, especially when you intend to use it for a long period of time.
Your safety and well being is our number one concern, and if you’ve made it this far, you really owe it to yourself to…
Try Fantastic Hot Rod Before You Try Anything Else!
If you are looking for a herbal sexual enhancer to elevate your sexual performance to levels never experienced before… you owe it to yourself to use a proven, and 100% natural product like Fantastic Hot Rod.
Think about it…
No matter how ‘nice’ a person your partner is, she will be sorely disappointed when you are unable to perform.
Sure, she might say ‘nice things’ like “It’s okay…I understand” blah blah when what she really means is, “You’re such a loser!”
And that’s totally ok. I’ve not had medical problems, and before Fantastic Hot Rod was conceived, I had a few occasions when I was unable to ‘rise to the occasion’.
As men, we can take it in our stride. It happens sometimes…
But what happens if she misinterprets your inability to perform and apparent lack of desire as not finding her ‘attractive or desirable enough?’
What kind of damper will that put on YOUR relationship?
Will she look for someone else whom she thinks will appreciate her more? Will she look for someone else who can fulfill her innermost deepest desires and totally satisfy her at the core of her being?
Think about it…
I think you’ll realize why spending a few measly dollars on a 100% safe, natural herbal performance enhancer can be the best investment you’ll make in both yourself and your loved one.
What Takes A Minute Works Up to 4 Days And MORE…
Fantastic Hot Rod can cause dramatic and wonderful changes in your life in literally every level.
You’ll surprise yourself when you discover why you don’t have to take Fantastic Hot Rod for weeks or months to feel its invigorating and revitalizing effects.
That’s because Fantastic Hot Rod works within 10 – 30 minutes for a majority of the individuals… even without sexual stimulation.
And the most amazing thing is that once the herbs are in your body, they have the innate ability to remain there for up to 4 days!
And during this time, you will be like a loaded gun, ‘armed and ready’ for any sexual encounters that might come your way… even if you are currently impotent!
Make Love Like An Animal!
You’ll be totally empowered with the supreme confidence and rest assured that any performance you have in bed will be nothing short of explosive and stunning.
In fact, when you try Fantastic Hot Rod yourself, not only can you potentially inspire your partner, you might even end up inspiring yourself!
And guess what, Ladies. You can use it too, and your dose is only 1/3 of men’s.
Can I Take You Aside For A MinuteFor Some Straight Blunt Talk?
Listen... I'm not gonna bullshit you into believing that Fantastic Hot Rod will work for you 100%. You don't need me to tell you this, but even ED drugs don't work for everyone, every time. What I DO know, is that Fantastic Hot Rod has worked exceedingly well in many circumstances, is 100% safe to consume, and as high as 93% of all our customers are satisfied with the results produced by Hot Rod. And let's get real. This is webpage. I don't really know you from a bar of soap. I don't know the least about your personal health condition, age etc, all of which may affect how well Fantastic Hot Rod can work for you. Which is why...
All You Have To Do Is Say 'Maybe'
Simply test drive Fantastic Hot Rod, absolutely risk-free. If, at anytime during a one year period, you are not satisfied with Fantastic Hot Rod in ANY way at all, simply return it for a full refund. No weasel clauses, no questions asked, and we'll still remain friends. No hard feelings.
Why Would I Make Such ALopsided Guarantee In Your Favor?
Well... My personal philosophy is that I have NO unhappy customers. You MUST be totally happy and satisfied with Fantastic Hot Rod. And while I cannot legally guarantee that Fantastic Hot Rod WILL work for you,100%, the evidence and proof of how well Fantastic Hot Rod has worked for our existing customers stacks the odds heavily on my side. Plus I know for sure that in the event Fantastic Hot Rod works as I have promised, you will re-order Fantastic Hot Rod from me.
You Be The Judge, Jury And If Need Be,The Executioner!
Of course, the big question is, do I issue refunds?
Heck YEAH!
Solid Proof Of My No WeaselClauses Guarantee
"Over the last 2 years, I have probably bought most of the sex enhancers on the net. Alas, none worked for me because of my seriously eteriorating health. I am writing to you to express my appreciation because your company is the ONLY one that gave me back a refund - as promised!" "Thank you for the prompt refund. I never expected to get a refund but was surprised when it showed up on my credit card statement." "You really stood by your guarantee. Thanks for the refund!" Stan, Ft. Wayne

So you have absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Simply click to start your risk free Fantastic Hot Rod Test drive immediately!
Alex Rocklane
P.S. #1: If you’re sick of not being able to ‘get it up’ and you’ve tried everything on the market and suffered nothing but nasty side effects, Hot Rod could be the final answer.
P.S. #2: You alone know how important fulfilling sex is to you. If you’ve read all the way up to here, and you’re convinced at how Hot Rod can change your sex life but you’ve not taken up your risk-free test drive of Hot Rod, then maybe sex isn’t as important to you as you think. I recommend collecting stamps.
P.S. #3: Here are a few more unsolicited testimonials about how Hot Rod has changed the life of our customers…(All testimonials are verifiable and on file.)
Now it’s time to sweeten the deal…
We have a special promotion going on…
1) For a limited time, when you purchase 2 bottles of “Fantastic Hot Rod for Men – 12 Pills/Bottle”… We will send you 1 bottle Completely FREE of Charge.
2) Further, you will receive a BONUS SPECIAL REPORT “Simple Secrets of Outstanding Sexual Power for Men” – $17.00 Value – for Completely FREE.

Don’t Miss… Order Today!!